A3 Training Principles

An A3 process is a structured approach to problem-solving and continuous improvement that originated in the Toyota Production System. It is named after the A3-sized paper on which the process is often documented.

A3 problem solving is breaking down a problem into smaller, manageable pieces and using data and evidence to identify root causes and develop solutions. The A3 process involves several steps, including:

Definition of the Problem

Clearly and briefly describe and state the problem and its impact on the organization.

Data gathering

Collect data and evidence to help understand the problem and identify potential root causes.

Data Analysis

Use cause and effect diagrams, flow charts, and process maps to analyze the data and identify root causes.

Solution Development

Generate and evaluate potential solutions, selecting the most promising ones for further development.

Implementation Plan

Implement the selected solutions and verify that they effectively resolve problems.

Standardize and Institutionalize

Document the problem-solving process and share the results with the organization to encourage continuous improvement.

The goal of A3 problem solving is to identify and address problems systematically and logically, using data and evidence to inform decision-making and continuously improve processes.

Toyota uses A3 reports for various types of work, including problem-solving, reporting project status, and proposing policy changes. An A3 process is valuable for organizations of all types and sizes. It helps teams work more effectively and efficiently by fostering collaboration, encouraging thorough problem-solving, and promoting continuous improvement.


6 Modules, Eligible for CEUs & PDUs

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